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7 Benefits of a Trial Separation When Considering a Divorce

The reality is that every couple facing the prospect of a divorce is a truly unique situation. In other words, is that each couple may have their own reasons for seeking and even some for not pursuing an end to their marriage. With this in mind, there are some instances in which a couple might consider an informal or trial separation before actually pursuing a marriage dissolution case. There are seven more commonplace benefits of a trial separation in advance of a New Jersey divorce:

  • Time for reflection
  • Reduced tension
  • Personal growth
  • Financial awareness
  • Impact on children
  • Counseling opportunities
  • Preparation for divorce

We take a moment to provide essential information about each of these benefits.

Time for Reflection

A trial separation can be an extremely beneficial period that allows for deep introspection. It provides both parties involved a sufficient amount of time to reflect on the intricacies of their marriage, their individual roles within it, the dynamics they share, and what they genuinely want from the relationship. This process of reflection can often lead to gaining a greater level of clarity and understanding about whether to continue or end the relationship. In essence, this makes it an important consideration to undergo a trial separation before filing for a divorce.

Reduced Tension

Among the immediate benefits of a trial separation is the significant reduction in daily stress and conflict. The constant tension and disagreements that might have been a daily occurrence in the relationship can be alleviated. This allows for a more peaceful and less emotionally draining existence, acting as a respite from the chaos. This break from tension can often facilitate more rational and thought-out decision-making about the future of the marriage.

Personal Growth

Among the benefits of a trial separation can be some level of discernible personal growth. Being physically apart from each other gives individuals the much-needed space and time to focus on themselves, their wants, desires, and needs. It provides an opportunity to identify personal goals, aspirations, and work towards them without the constraints of a strained relationship. This time apart can lead to a stronger sense of self, improved self-esteem and heightened levels of independence.

Financial Awareness

The act of living separately can bring about a new level of financial awareness. It often exposes the stark financial realities that need to be addressed, such as essential living expenses, personal financial responsibility, and financial planning. This newfound awareness can lead to better financial planning and understanding, which are crucial when contemplating a divorce.

Impact on Children

If children are involved, a trial separation can be beneficial for them as well. In fact, this may be one of the most important benefits of a trial separation. It provides them with time to gradually adjust to the idea of their parents living separately. This gradual exposure reduces the potential shock, confusion, and distress of an abrupt change in their living circumstances. It provides a buffer for them to process the changes and adjust accordingly.

Counseling Opportunities

A trial separation can also provide the opportunity to seek professional help, like therapy or counseling. This can be particularly beneficial in making the final decision about the relationship. Professional counselors can provide objective advice, coping strategies, and emotional support during this challenging period. They can offer a neutral perspective and arm the individuals with tools to navigate this emotionally charged situation.

Preparation for Divorce

If divorce is the eventual outcome, a trial separation can serve as a useful practice run for living separately and navigating co-parenting if applicable. This period of separation gives both parties a glimpse of what to expect, making the transition smoother if they decide to proceed with the divorce. It allows the couple to explore the dynamics of single parenting, managing separate households, and handling independent financial responsibilities.

As an aside, a trial separation can also provide an opportunity for a person contemplating the end of a marriage the opportunity to seek guidance from an experienced New Jersey divorce attorney. A New Jersey divorce lawyer typically will schedule a no-obligation and no-cost initial consultation with a person contemplating the prospect of pursuing a marriage dissolution case. If you have questions concerning a divorce, call (201) 845-7400 for a free consultation.

Client Reviews
Peter has integrity, and values his relationships with his clients beyond his financial relationship with them. For me to say this about any lawyer is really saying something. He is compassionate, straightforward and knowledgeable. I would easily recommend him to anybody. Lewie W.
Peter Van Aulen handled my case with great diligence and integrity. He is also a compassionate individual who realizes what a difficult time divorce can be emotionally. Peter works hard and doesn't take any shortcuts in preparing for a case… I highly recommend Mr. Van Aulen and his staff. Chuck Solomon
Peter is an exceptionally great attorney. He handled my child custody case and was able to ease any of my concerns with honest answers. He always took the time to explain the pros/cons and was always available to answer any questions that I had… I would highly recommend this attorney to anyone who is looking for one. Jessica Cruz
Peter Van Aulen is a very compassionate, honest and straightforward person. He was there for me at my lowest point with a genuine concern not only for my situation, but for me and my child's well being above all… He is fair and he is strong and when push comes to shove he is there for you. Cathy Dodge
Our cousin used Peter's law office to help with a sticky custody situation. He was extremely responsive, very nice and most importantly did an awesome job with the court! He is awesome. Lawrence Polsky

*Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances