
MEETING OPTIONS DURING THE CORONAVIRUS: The Law Offices of Peter Van Aulen understands your concerns regarding the spread of the Coronavirus, and now offers different meeting options to our clients and those seeking legal representation. All meetings, including initial consultations, can be handled either through the phone, FaceTime, Zoom, or in person.

How to Prepare for a New Jersey Divorce Mediation

An increasing number of marriage dissolution cases in New Jersey take advantage of mediation during the process. If you are involved in a marriage dissolution case and will be participating in this type of dispute resolution process, you need to understand how to prepare for a New Jersey divorce mediation. A number of points need to be borne in mind when it comes to preparing for a divorce mediation:

  • Understanding the mediation process
  • Gather necessary documents and paperwork
  • Rely on professional advice from legal counsel
  • Identify triggers to keep emotions in check
  • Practice communicating effectively
  • Establish mediation goals
  • Be well rested
What is New Jersey Divorce Mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary dispute resolution process. While a divorce judge can direct a couple to participate in mediation, parties to a marriage dissolution case cannot be ordered to reach a resolution in mediation.

A mediator is not a decisionmaker. Rather, a mediator is a trained professional that assists a couple in attempting to resolve outstanding issuesin a New Jersey marriage dissolution case.

Gather Necessary Documents and Other Paperwork

When it comes to preparing for a New Jersey divorce mediation, a key initial step is to gather and organize all necessary and relevant documents and other paperwork. You likely have already been involved in the process of organizing documents and paperwork if your case has been pending for much time at all. If you have not started, or if you have not completed, this process, you absolutely do need to do so in advance of a scheduled mediation session.

Rely on the Professional Advice of Your New Jersey Divorce Attorney

Mediation does not mean you can forgo retaining the services of a New Jersey divorce lawyer. You best protect your legal interests in a marriage dissolution case by retaining a capable lawyer like a member of the legal team at the Law Offices of Peter Van Aulen at (201) 845-7400.

Identify Your Triggers to Aid in Keeping Emotions in Check

In preparing for a New Jersey divorce mediation, you also need to take time to identify your emotional triggers. The reality is that marriage dissolution proceedings are emotionally charged. This can carry over into a mediation session.

More can be accomplished in a mediation if emotions can be kept in checked. Knowing what potentially can trigger an emotional response from you in advance of a mediation session makes it more likely that you will be able to keep your emotions contained.

Practice Communication Tactics and Skills

A key to effectively resolving issues through divorce mediation is to ensure that your communication tactics and skills are at their best. In this regard, you may want to take the time to practice and hone your communication skills in advance of a mediation session.

Bear in mind that part of effective communication is listening and understanding what is being said. Therefore, when you prepare for a mediation, take time not only to work on your verbal presentation skills but devote time to honing your listening abilities as well.

Set Mediation Goals and Objectives

Finally, when it comes to preparing for marriage dissolution mediation, you need to be certain that you set clear and concise goals and objectives in advance of a session. You are well served taking the time to put your mediation goals and objectives into writing. You should not just attempt to commit them to memory. Rather, you should spell them out in a written document that can be brought with you to your mediation session.

If you are represented by legal counsel, this is a good area in which you should seek direct advice. Discuss mediation goals and objectives with your New Jersey divorce lawyer in advance of a session. An experienced attorney can make sure that you have all of your bases covered in this regard.

Be Well Rested

As you consider the prospect of ending your marriage, you are wise to understand your important legal rights by scheduling a free initial consultation with an experienced lawyer from the Law Offices of Peter Van Aulen. You can arrange an appointment for a case evaluation and to obtain answers to your questions any time that is convenient to you by telephoning our firm at 201-845-7400.

Client Reviews
Peter has integrity, and values his relationships with his clients beyond his financial relationship with them. For me to say this about any lawyer is really saying something. He is compassionate, straightforward and knowledgeable. I would easily recommend him to anybody. Lewie W.
Peter Van Aulen handled my case with great diligence and integrity. He is also a compassionate individual who realizes what a difficult time divorce can be emotionally. Peter works hard and doesn't take any shortcuts in preparing for a case… I highly recommend Mr. Van Aulen and his staff. Chuck Solomon
Peter is an exceptionally great attorney. He handled my child custody case and was able to ease any of my concerns with honest answers. He always took the time to explain the pros/cons and was always available to answer any questions that I had… I would highly recommend this attorney to anyone who is looking for one. Jessica Cruz
Peter Van Aulen is a very compassionate, honest and straightforward person. He was there for me at my lowest point with a genuine concern not only for my situation, but for me and my child's well being above all… He is fair and he is strong and when push comes to shove he is there for you. Cathy Dodge
Our cousin used Peter's law office to help with a sticky custody situation. He was extremely responsive, very nice and most importantly did an awesome job with the court! He is awesome. Lawrence Polsky
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