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What You Need to Do When Noncustodial Parent Drinks Alcohol During Parenting Time

Sadly, there are a considerable number of instances in which a noncustodial parent consumes alcohol during parenting time. If you are a custodial parent and find yourself facing a situation in which the noncustodial parent drinks alcohol during parenting time, there are some specific tactics you can employ to protect the best interests of your child.

Keep in mind that you need to strive to remain in full compliance with existing court orders. You cannot engage in self-help, as a general rule.

Tactics to employ when a parent drinks alcohol during parenting time include:

  • Remain calm and composed
  • Document the incident or incidents
  • Speak to the other parent
  • Consult a lawyer
  • Seek a modification of the court order
  • Involve a mediator
  • Consider counseling or therapy
  • Prioritize your child’s safety
Remain Calm and Composed

In challenging times like these, it is crucial to stay calm and composed. It's natural to feel worried about your child's wellbeing, but your emotions can significantly impact the situation if not managed appropriately. Avoid letting your emotions dictate your actions, and take the time to collect your thoughts before responding. Staying calm will enable you to make clear decisions and take effective action.

Document the Incident or Incidents

One of the first steps you should take is documenting every detail about the incident. This includes the date, time, location, and any other relevant information such as witnesses or unusual circumstances. Being as detailed as possible is vital, as this documentation could play a crucial role in any legal proceedings that may follow. It also helps to have a clear record of events for your reference.

Speak to the Other Parent

If it is safe and feasible, make an effort to have a conversation with the noncustodial parent. Express your concerns about their drinking during parenting time. Try to discuss potential solutions and the implications of their behavior on the child. Always prioritize respectful and open communication. This step may be difficult, but it's important that the noncustodial parent is aware of your concerns.

Consult a Lawyer

Understanding your legal rights in this situation is crucial. Contact a family lawyer to seek advice and guidance. They can inform you about your options, explain the legal implications, and help you decide on the best course of action. A lawyer can also guide you through the process of reporting the incident if necessary.

Seek a Modification of the Court Order

If the noncustodial parent's drinking is a regular occurrence during parenting time, it may be necessary to request a modification of the parenting plan. This could involve changes to visitation schedules or conditions to ensure the child's safety. Your lawyer can guide you through this process.

Involve a Mediator

In situations where communication between parents is difficult or strained, involving a mediator can be helpful. This particularly can be helpful when dealing with a noncustodial parent who drinks alcohol during parenting time. A mediator is a neutral third party who can facilitate a discussion between you and the noncustodial parent, ensuring that both parties' views are heard and considered. They can help establish a dialogue and work towards a resolution.

Consider Counseling or Therapy

Dealing with substance abuse issues can be challenging for all involved parties. Counseling or therapy could be beneficial for the noncustodial parent, the child, or both. It can provide a safe and supportive environment to express feelings, understand behaviors, and develop coping strategies. Professional help can be instrumental in overcoming such complex issues.

Prioritize your Child's Safety

Finally, when it comes to a situation in which a parent drinks alcohol during parenting time, above everything else, your child's safety and wellbeing should be your main priority. Make decisions with their best interest in mind, and don't compromise on their safety. If at any point you believe your child is in immediate danger due to the noncustodial parent's drinking, do not hesitate to contact the authorities. If you have any questions concerning child custody and parenting time, call (201) 845-7400 for a free consultation.

Client Reviews
Peter has integrity, and values his relationships with his clients beyond his financial relationship with them. For me to say this about any lawyer is really saying something. He is compassionate, straightforward and knowledgeable. I would easily recommend him to anybody. Lewie W.
Peter Van Aulen handled my case with great diligence and integrity. He is also a compassionate individual who realizes what a difficult time divorce can be emotionally. Peter works hard and doesn't take any shortcuts in preparing for a case… I highly recommend Mr. Van Aulen and his staff. Chuck Solomon
Peter is an exceptionally great attorney. He handled my child custody case and was able to ease any of my concerns with honest answers. He always took the time to explain the pros/cons and was always available to answer any questions that I had… I would highly recommend this attorney to anyone who is looking for one. Jessica Cruz
Peter Van Aulen is a very compassionate, honest and straightforward person. He was there for me at my lowest point with a genuine concern not only for my situation, but for me and my child's well being above all… He is fair and he is strong and when push comes to shove he is there for you. Cathy Dodge
Our cousin used Peter's law office to help with a sticky custody situation. He was extremely responsive, very nice and most importantly did an awesome job with the court! He is awesome. Lawrence Polsky
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